This Phillips Aurea television is a new technology that is being used in the design field. This television is not like all the other, in contrast this is a great was to make your living space fit more together.While the television is shut off it is just a Flatt screen, but when it is powered on, it is more than just a television it illuminates all the space around the TV causing a design.
My Thumbnails Zack's Memory container Anna's Pencil Box.
Project the relates more to Anna
All 3 projects The middle Project Project that relates more to Zach.
For this project I had to combine two projects one created by Zach Hunt on the other by Anna Will. Using both projects i had to created a mixture of both, and one the related more with Zach but still had some of Anna's ideas and vise verse. In the pictures above you can see what i came up with.
Websites: 1. website is set up in a very interesting way, the way the pictures are set up make the page look very interesting, since they change every few seconds to a new picture. The links are also very easy to see which makes it very enjoyable to navigate through. When you click on a certain link and the page opens up a slide show also pop up for every link which i think it really nice. Overall i think that this page looks very professional and it seems that with this style many people would definitely want this firm to design a place for them. 2: As the previous website I also think that this page is very well planed out. this page has a special touch , a Site Map that breaks down everything on the site, it breaks everything down to simplicity. One think that I strongly dislike within this page is that i think that the pictures on the main page should move slower, the way they are set up know make you almost dizzy because they are moving so fast. Another thing I do not like about this page is are the colors I believe that it takes away from the professionalism. 3.www, When i first opened this page the first thing i saw was a picture that made me imagine the website was about showing interiors or porfolios or their works, but as i scrolled down the page i became really disapointed i saw that it was a page that actually broke down each piece of furnature and stated the price . THe naviagation through that page was really comfortable because it was easy to locate items. 4. My first impression of this website was WOW! As soon as the page opens music start to play , the variety of pictures on the main page look amazing they really tell alot about the frim. the page looks very profesional, it also seems that it attracts alot of customers . The navigation is extremely easy also which adds an extra touch. 5. the layout of this page is really nice i really enjoy that colors and the way the links are set at the bottom to make that page easy to navigate. I really like when you click on a link and the information comes up and gives you the options to choose between comercial and residencial. 6. i really do notl ike this page, one thing i dont like is the red color on the background of the page. i think it gives it a bad look. Other than that i really like the layout and everything on this page i think it is really easy to manage. 7. I dont like this page at all . I think that the way everyhting is set up this page is really bad. i dont think that it really fits for this purpose. 8. i first thing i saw on this page was the pictures from their work. I think that really makes the page look really well. Also the way the way the links are set in a darker color than the layout really suits well. 9. i really dislike this page the most overall i have seen. I think the colors and pictures make this site look really dull and boring. Eventhough the page looks dull and boring it contains a lot of information the is really great, also the links at the top give it a good look, the emptyness around the page also make it atract your eyes to that especific thing. 10. I really like this page , i think that the colors are really nice and it is really easy to manage, their works looks really great.
This is my final container for my memory. Last Christmas my family and I went to Mexico before i left my boyfriend gave me a teddy bear and inside the Teddy there was a cloth bag and when i pulled that I found a gold Heart Necklace. This is my favorite memory because every time i look at my necklace i always remember that day. I wanted to recreate a container that some what represented the layer that i had to go through to discover the necklace, when i tried doing the Russian doll figure i did not like it at all, so i changed my idea completely. I did this container here you have to pull through to discover what is inside.
These are the first box to contain my memory, what i tried to do was try to mimic the Russian dolls theory, but it was to plain and simple it didnt really look evey interesting.