Sunday, February 22, 2009

Japenese Bathing

The Japanese bath is much more than just cleaning ourselfs, its about having removed the clothes and daily concerns that over shadow us. Bathing Not only cleans the body but it also relaxes the body. The japanese Considered bathing to be good for both the Physical well beign and spiritual well-being of a person, and typical japanses bath can take up to 30 minutes and it is not uncomon for the children to bath with the parents, many think that this improves their parent- child bonding, For a teenager bathing can take up to an hour or more.Japanses have very opens showers that allow them to interact with each other. The showers are very much different that ours, they are not private, but instead they are more for comunity and interaction. After the shower the individual is suppose to feel at ease and clean.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Linear Conjuction

When we were first assigned this project, I had many different ideas for this dinning space. From the very beginning I envisioned an open space with light coming through the windows. We were asked to start the project by designing our own table for our space. As I began to think about the table, I thought about the dinning experience its self . I envision my dinning room to be very informal with a high table and stool seating. My table is 3'3" high and its 5' in width and 10' in length. With the space I wanted it to really express my concept of linear conjunction. I felt that the bottom of my table forms a grid pattern that brings the 4 legs of the table together to form a whole, just like when we dine we all come together to share this special moment.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Thursday, February 5, 2009