Fendi has a Layout spread that i really enjoy looking at.
their is something about this composition that makes it look amazing. The chair, table and center piece all have different
patterns on them this all makes the place stand out
everything individually even the handle on the chair makes it look elegant.

This kitchen space is very
space full. i really like how the walls and the furniture all combine together. one thing i really like looking at is the pattern on the on the counters. i like how they used both shades of brown. i
don't really
don't like how they used black and
Brown together I feel like it
doesn't go well together.

This interior space looks very different than what i am accustom to seeing, i cant really decide if i like this space or not. I really enjoy seeing this space because it is very open and i like things that are open and have space. The reason why i don't like this space is because i don't like how they have branches and the bench looks as if it is a tree branch.

It is very interesting how the designers decided to make this space outside. even though it is outside the space looks great . This space would look great is it was in a beach house or somewhere warm.

this bedroom looks very elegant , i like the Way the colors are set up and the furniture looks combined everything looks great almost like a celebrities bedroom. the way the bed is just resting on top of the base , and it is something that we do not see in an everyday basis.

In this space above the ceiling is way to high and it makes every thing seem very big and out of proportion also the rooms looks every cluttered because the magazines and computer is all over the room. also the chair is out of place and so are the cushions. all that makes the place look messy and what they are trying to advertise does not look appealing.

the glass hanging from the sides of the entrance of the living room give it a private . i can not distinct if this place is residential or commercial it looks like both. . the furniture and space is all very thought out and every thing looks great. i would really enjoy spending time in that space.
Lacava has very interesting space. I really enjoy the black counter and the border around the mirror. one thing that really stands out the most was the sink i really enjoy how it is just resting on the black counter. the more i look at this space it makes me want to have one too. this is something that i really want to have now when i have my own house.

I really
dont like interior above. I think that this space would look so much better if the sinks and the windows were much closer together and they had more to them. i
dont think that this makes for an elegant place at all . the thing that i enjoy the most is the colors because they are very calming and relaxing.

In the Dwell magazine there is an interior space that best buy is using to advertise their products. The interior that they are advertising is really neat. the living room is very well all combined. The colors and the furniture all match with the carpet . the window really makes the place bright and full of energy. overall even though this is just to advertise products like the TV , every thing is very well set up and interesting.