1.A Simple way to bring happiness to a person with out spending much money is getting a Card, the simply express how you feel about them or says something nice in the inside that always bring a smile to someones face no matter what. There is more to a Card than just the meaning behind. I think that when we look at a Card we first judge it by it exterior, for this reason i think that if you want to make someone say
Awww... i think that the card should be nicely laid out and should have everything flowing with it. This is the reason i really like this card above, it makes to want to just stared at the front of it without even opening i can see that it has something meaning full inside. I really enjoy the swirls and the hearts. i also really like how the creators of this card decided to just put one line of words at the bottoms that really allows the drawings on top stand out the most.

2.Another kind of card that can really brighten someones day is a funny card. I think the just by looking at the cover of this card even though it does not have much on the cover i still think that it works very well for its purpose is doesn't take away from the inside which in this case i think it is the important part of this card. Also the pink sign and the foot prints are there to give you a clue and to hint you on what to expect in the inside. overall i think that everything on this card works very well with its purpose.

3.Isn't it funny how a simple candy wrapper can help you make a choice in deciding which candy to buy? I think that most of the time we grab stuff off the shelf because it is appealing to our eyes. a good example of a wrapper that really catches our attention is the M&M wrapper, i think that not only the yellow color but the logo on it is very well place and it doesn't have a lot of thing such at writing or pictures on it, that really gives it a clean look. Personally i will always go with the candy that has a good looking wrapper and looks neat just because i believe that the candy inside the wrapper is delicious.

4.This water label looks very plain it does not have much of anything it looks plain to me. I think that the deer and the mountains add a nice touch, but i also think that it should be a different color the blue color doesn't go well. I don't understand why they made it blue instead of another color. What is the blue suppose to represent? maybe the dawn? i don't know. Over all I don't like this label. I usually judge the taste of water by the label , if i don't like the label i wont get the water it just seems boring.

5.Unlike the order water Label i really like this one, Even though that all water is healthy for you. I feel like this water company really takes the time to think of a way to express that to you without words. When i looks at this label i automatically think of something Healthy and that if i drink this type of water i will be healthy. I really enjoy the little people logo and the colors i think that, that is what brings out the name of the water.

6.Wishing upon stars ? that is very interesting to me how the Make a Wish Foundation made a refrigerator magnet that was shaped like a star. To me that is very neat, when we think about it, the kids in this program are actually wishing for something, when we think of wishes they are usually done at night looking up at the stars. This is one of my favorite magnets simply because it is very simple and in a few words it makes you feel like you have done something to help out a young child out there with dreams .

7.Trying to order food cam be complicated specially since there are variety of restaurants that offer the same type of food , the only difference is that some make it better than order. When it comes to pizza Domino's is my favorite overall , because of the logo. i like this thing because it tells you exactly what you are looking for the number is right on the front with big numbers so we cant miss it when we are looking for it. the address is also on there which is really helpful when ordering pizza and is ordered as a pick up and not delivery, also to make sure that its close to your house and not far away.

8. Being Sick is very stressful specially trying to call in at work to inform your employee that you will not be in. what a better way than to have an emergency
hotline for the employers to call which makes it more quick and easy, I really enjoy this card because the number is what stands out the most and the last thing at you want to do when your sick is struggle to find the number to call your employee at . I think that this is very easy and also the colors go well with the rest of the things that are on the card. not only can to you call that number to inform someone of your illness but also to find out about weather conditions that may result in the company shutting down.

9. As i explained above sick can be stressful trying to find a doctor that will accept
your insurance can be more stressful i really like how
primera Blue cross blue shield
offers a 24
hours nurse line that is there to help you with you non emergency health issue. I think that this is very useful specially since you can start felling sick at any point and may not be sick enough to go to the hospital but still
don't know what to do. This company made it easy for you to be able to see the numbers and all the information you need to
access the nurse line at any point in time.

10. Our pets are very important to each of us that is why we always want to take them to a vet that will take the best care of them. this card really works well with its purpose because
banfield is there to take care of your pet and to make sure that they get the proper attention
required. It is very easy to contact them whenever you need them it provides the address
another information