The design above is a wonder design. I think that this design goes very well with the
environment around it. I like how the living room is enclosed and had the stairs right next to the living room, usually that does not look so great but with this i think that it looks good just because the room its self is very lighting, the furniture
isn't dark which really helps the room not look dark. Overall i think that this design in wonderful and the designer did a great job with this room.

Viney created the design above i think that this designer wanted to go for a more classical look as appose to a more modern look. Unfortunately i don't like this set up at all. I think the that Plates on the shelves take away from everything else. I really really don't like how it looks. it doesn't really make anything stand out.

The design above created by Hendrix
Allardyce is very interesting. I think it is very interesting how they chose to put a big floral arrangement on the table that covers have a mirror. I really enjoy this layout it makes the place seem very elegant and attractive and appealing to the eye. overall Hendrix
Allardyce did a wonderful job in creating a design like this one, if i had a change to hire someone do design my living room this would be a person i would strongly consider.

Neutra did a wonderful job on this design. even though that this design was Target more towards a vintage look rather than a more moder look. I really like how everything is set up, i think that the color change in the furniture is really great. i really like how two of the couches are one color and they third is another color. I really like how
every thing is gathered around the fire place and there is one lamp. Overall this is one of my favorite designs thus far.

Kenya' s Elephant watch camp is an environment that i dislike. I doesn't look great at all. It almost looks like someone deiced to throw a bunch of things together at once. I hate how they have multiple colors it makes the room very bright it hurts your eyes., also it looks messy, The only thing i do like about this set up is the actual chairs and tables by itself with no cushions, I think that instead of having the cushions on the chairs they would stand out the most by them self

Himes Gonzales did a wonderful job in designing this space. I think that even though all the walls are the same color and look plain in white it works great for this setting because there are other colors that substitute the purpose of what the color of the walls would do. I really enjoy how there are only a few painting hanging on the walls and only 2 things on the table. They white Curtains on the wall make the white walls stand out more.

The design above was created by Jan Showers. I personally dislike this design for the simple reason that it looks old fashion. I don't like the way the furniture set up and the frames make the living room look cluttered . I personally don't like the furniture chosen for this living i think that they could of done something more exciting rather than boring and dull. this living barely has any colors to it which also causes it to look very dull and boring.

This design was created by William
Hodgins, I really enjoy this design because there are a variety of colors in this room. Usually variety of colors don't make a room stand out but in this case i think that every thing looks great together. I really enjoy seeing the different in the shades of brown . I like how the middle part of the table and they stripes of the chairs match. Overall i think that William
Hodgins did a wonderful job when doing this design.

This looks like an article in a Ralph Lauren spread. I think that this kitchen looks great i really enjoy that color combination. The openness of this kitchen really makes every thing great. I think that the white color also makes the kitchen more revealing and makes every thing looks great. This kitchen is really big and the colors also make everything look more wide and bigger.
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